2023.9.18 - 9.25
Weekly Ranking

  1. Rafting, Climbing, Hiking Asahikawa city, Kamikawa town, Higashikawa town, Kamishihoro town, Shikaoi town
    Private: Around Daisetsuzan | 6 Day Hiking Tour
  2. Climbing, Cultural experiences, Nature walk, Hiking Kushiro city, Ashoro town, Teshikaga town
    Volcano Hiking in Akan-Mashu National Park | 5-day tour in Eastern Hokkaido
  3. Nature walk, Kayaking, Cycling Abashiri city, Shari town, Kiyosato town, Koshimizu town
    5-Day Cycling Tour to “the End of the Earth” Shiretoko
  4. Cycling Otaru city, Noboribetsu city, Niseko town, Kyogoku town, Kutchan town, Yoichi town, Akaigawa village, Sobetsu town, Toyako town
    Private: Lake Toya to the Sea of Japan | 5 Day Cycling Tour
  5. Cultural experiences, Nature walk Shimokawa town, Takinoue town, Nishiokoppe village
    The Northern Hokkaido Sustainability Experience: Forests, Farming, & Cultural Interaction


  • 8月19日・20日開催 (公社)北海道観光機構主催の地域間プラットフォーム構築に向けたAT受入体制整備事業 「アドベンチャートラベラー受入セミナー・ワークショップ」

    2023年にアドベンチャートラベル・ワールドサミット北海道・日本(ATWS2023)がアジアで初めて実施開催され、海外から北海道へのアドベンチャートラベル(AT)における注目度が集まっています。本セミナーは、AT関連事業者(ATガイド、ツアーオペレーター、DMO等)をつなぐプラットフォーム構築に向け、地域の関係者が相互に知識や技能を共有し合い、連携を深めることを目的として開催します。 ■概要地域間プラットフォーム構築に向けたAT受入体制整備事業「アドベンチャートラベラー受入セミナー・ワークショップ」 ■日時【1日目】 8月19日(月)13:30~17:00(開場13:00)【2日目】 8月20日(火)10:00~14:00(開場9:30) ■【場所】TKP札幌ビジネスセンター赤れんが前札幌市中央区北4条西6丁目1 毎日札幌会館5階 ■【対象】・AT顧客の受け入れに興味がある方・英語圏のインバウンド観光の受入に興味がある方 ガイド事業者旅行会社・宿泊事業者・運送事業者・飲食店・観光協会・DMO・自治体関係者など ■申込み メール又はGoogleフォーム・申込URLhttps://forms.gle/MCNUrgZA2bsTRDaT7 ・メールアドレス at-info@hokkaido-takarajima.comまで以下の内容をお送りください。氏名所属先当日の電話番号E-mailアドレス今回興味がある・知りたい内容をお知らせください。懇親会への参加(当日4000円程度の集金がございます) ■登壇者【1日目】ATガイド事例紹介とリスクマネジメント(株)GOODVIBES 奈良 亘 氏【2日目 1】国立公園を活用したアドベンチャートラベル環境省北海道地方環境事務所釧路自然環境事務所所長 岡野隆宏氏【2日目 2】中小・小規模事業者向け経営支援施策について経済産業省北海道経済産業局、(公財)北海道中小企業総合支援センター ■問い合わせ株式会社北海道宝島旅行社営業部 担当/雨池・常井・鈴木(香織)TEL 011-252-2115E-mail:at-info@hokkaido-takarajima.com

Traveling to Hokkaido

The northernmost of Japan’s four main islands, renowned for volcanoes, natural hot springs and ski resorts.

Traveling to Japan

Travel to Hokkaido from within Japan

Travel within Hokkaido


Meet friendly locals and get to know the local culture in Hokkaido’s beautiful country towns.

Current recommendations


Just 30 minutes by car from Sapporo


Experience Ainu culture


The town richly colored by the seasons


Port town of fruit and wine


Experience Ainu culture


The original scenery of Japan

Visited Hokkaido before? Here are some hidden gems for your next visit!


One of Hokkaido’s most secluded towns


See young and returning salmon

Ganwu Area

Kamoenai, Tomari, Kyowa, Iwanai


“Hill town” colored by farmer’s activities


See young and returning salmon

Ganwu Area

Kamoenai, Tomari, Kyowa, Iwanai

Hokkaido Culture Column

the AINU

The beautiful culture of Hokkaido’s indigenous people


Inside the world of Japanese sake
The evolution of a process using water and specially bred Hokkaido rice


The Shiretoko-Nemuro area, lies in the easternmost reaches of Hokkaido
Wildlife and humans, nature, land and sea in harmonious coexistence

We’re here to help you get the most out of your visit to Hokkaido

This website is operated by Hokkaido Treasure Island Travel Inc. (Hokkaido Prefecture travel agent license number 2-597)

Our initiatives toward the SDGs

At Hokkaido Treasure Island Travel Inc, we believe that everyone must do their part to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and that working toward these goals is part of our social responsibility to create a sustainable global society. We promote partnerships between stakeholders such as customers, the government, local government bodies, partner companies, NGOs and NPOs and support sustainable tourism development together with communities in Hokkaido. We help to develop new travel experiences and services though originality and creative thinking.
Our mission is to work together to realize the true potential of Hokkaido. We strive to develop travel destinations in a way that contributes to the building of a more sustainable society, promoting tourism that makes the most of what Hokkaido has to offer and following diverse hiring policies in all aspects of our work.
