Kazuhiro Arai (Kazu) Certified Hokkaido Outdoor Guide
Kazu is a hi-energy bilingual guide! He attended Kapiti College in New Zealand which sparked his interest for indigenous cultures and later led him to help build connections between Maori and Ainu communities. Kazu attended Lincoln University to study Parks & Recreation. In 2001, he established Daisetsuzan Nature School, an educational centre for children and adults with a strong focus on sustainability and environmental awareness. Kazu is very involved in the community, he’s the president of the Hokkaido Adventure Travel Association, a board member of the Japan Ecotourism Centre, an executive committee member of the Asian Ecotourism Network and father of three beautiful daughters. He’s passionate about building sustainable communities and has initiated projects such as equine therapy and the forest kindergarten program, which are currently implemented by Daisetsuzan Nature School.